
عرض المشاركات من 2018

Composition photography

Composition photography Creating an image means organizing the elements inside in a way that best fits the idea or purpose of your work. Objects can be organized by moving objects or objects. A good example of this situation is still life photography or photography. Street photography involves anticipation, since the photographer usually does not have the ability to move his own subjects, but must wait for the site to be more appropriate in the frame. Another way to organize objects is to change your own situation. Beautiful and attractive image mixed with all the factors that may attract the viewer . ( Global Village, Dubai , UAE )  ( Global Village, Dubai , UAE )  ( Alain , UAE ) 

HDR Toning

HDR Toning High Dynamic Range, or HDR, is a digital imaging technology in which multiple layers are placed from the same scene and merged with photo editing software to create a more realistic or dramatic image. Exhibition exposures may display a larger range of color tone values that a digital camera can record on a single image. Adobe Photoshop and many other image editors and dark digital applications offer tools and features to create high dynamic range effects. Photographers who want to experience HDR photography in photo editing software must capture a series of standard images taken at different exposures, usually with a tripod and exposure barrier. Edit and decorate images into better images and better quality. With better colors and clearer differences.  ( Global Village, Dubai , UAE )  ( Global Village, Dubai , UAE )

rules of thirds photography

rules of thirds photography The third rule is one of the most useful composition techniques in photography. It is an important learning concept that can be used in all kinds of photographs to produce more attractive and balanced images. The third rule includes a mental division of your image using two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, as shown below. Then place the important elements in the scene along these lines, or at the points where they meet. When I take this picture you feel comfortable and the color of the sea relaxes the self. The raging sea man feels strong and attractive . (  Sharjah , UAE ) (  Sharjah , UAE )

Street photography

Street photography Street photography, sometimes called candid photography, is an art photograph or an investigation that presents unlimited encounters or random incidents in public places. Although there is a difference between street photography and explicit images, it is generally concealed that most street images are self-explanatory in nature, but not all candid photographs can be categorized for street photography. Street photography does not require a street or even an urban environment. Although people usually appear directly, street photography may be absent from people and may be an organism or environment where the image appears to be an innate human character in a facsimile or aesthetic . Street photography draws attention, people feel that life is continuous and does not stop, life is fast .  ( ALburaimi , Oman ) ( Al Batinah South Governorate , Oman )

Nature photography

Nature photography Natural photography is limited to the use of photography to photograph all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in order to allow the person familiar with the subject to recognize its just presentation.  When taking pictures of green nature, people feel happy and comfortable . (  Sharjah , UAE ) (  Sharjah , UAE )

portrait photography

portrait photography Photo photography is a representation of a person or group to capture personal themes using lighting, backgrounds and appearances. In a sense, it's simple. You know your purpose when you look at this definition. You want to capture the character of your subject on a photo. The problem is that everyone has a different personality. If you really want to photograph your personal themes, you must change your style at each shooting session. Here the focus is on the subject or the subject rather than the background. The subject witnesses the viewer's attention . (  Sharjah , UAE ) (  Mahdha , Oman )

Black and white photography

Black and white photography Black and white images are not usually compared in black and white. They combine black and white in a connected chain that produces a range of shades of gray. In addition, many monochrome publications in photography, especially those that were produced early in their evolution, were dark brown (mainly for archive stability), giving a richer and richer reproduction color in black and white. . Simple. Feeling of the past Easy to understand picture ( Alain , UAE ) ( Alain , UAE )

Leading line ( geometry )

Leading line  Leading Fonts is a powerful tool used by professional photographers to improve the balance and overall composition of their images. Lines are often used to guide the viewer's eye through the image to points of interest. Our eyes are trained to "read" the images, just as we read the words on the page. Fonts can help facilitate this, which makes it easier to "visualize" the image. Because of this pioneering effect, fonts are also used to convey an impression of depth and distance in the image.  Characterized by repetition, balance, arrangement and utilization of spaces . ( Sohar , Oman ) (  Mahdha , Oman ) (  Mahdha , Oman )

Landscape Photography

Landscape Photography Landscape photography is the art of taking pictures of nature and the outdoors in a way that brings the viewer to the stage. From the best landscapes to intimate details, the best photos show the photographer's touch of nature and capture the essence of the world around him.  Feeling comfortable, happy, places suitable for the family . (  Sharjah , UAE ) (Tulsa , U.S ) ( Sur , Oman ) ( Sur , Oman )

Panorama photography

Panorama Photography  Panoramic photography, also known as large-format photography, is a photographic technique, using specialized hardware or software, that captures images with rectangular horizontal viewing areas. It is a special technique that cuts several images from the same camera to form a large image (portrait or landscape). The viewer sees a wide, complex place of images in one image . ( Bayan college , Musacat , Oman ) ( Alnasym park , Barka , Oman)